วันศุกร์ที่ 7 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

No need to dread Saturn’s transits always!

As the planet of responsibility, Saturn imposes its burdens on an
individual, so that he understands the importance of his own needs. By
meeting his tasks to the best of his abilities, an individual gives form
to his own self worth. While Saturn has so often been thought of as the
planet of restrictions, it is actually a planet of great freedom.

THE tendency to give every Saturn transit a fateful interpretation is
completely unfounded; as many Saturn transits are harmless and at times
beneficial. The transits of Saturn over its own radical position, or in
opposition or square to this position, usually correspond to developmental
crises, signifying the end of one phase and the beginning of a new one,
which in general takes a duration of roughly seven year periods, which
however, do not necessarily have to be connected with Saturn's transit
over the Sun's position or over planet clusters in one Sign as well.
Saturn transits can only then be termed critical, when Saturn is moving
very slowly or is stationary or posited in a constellation making a mutual
exchange with other critical constellation.

Given below are the effects of transits Saturn crossing the natal
positions of a few planets, from reports sent to us for research:

* Transit Saturn crossing radical Sun
- Latter part of childhood remaining unhappy.

* Transit Saturn crossing radical Venus
- Separation from loved ones.

* Transit Saturn crossing radical Moon (sade-sati)
-Death of grandparents, bleak home, poverty

* Transit Saturn squaring radical Moon
- unsuccessful attempts at getting ahead, uncertain circumstances, deceit
and loss of
money through partners in business, staying away from home.

* Transit Saturn squaring radical Saturn
- Futile efforts, many obstacles, lack of income.

* Transit Saturn crossing radical Mars.
- deterioration and subsequent destruction of domestic life, despondent
and lonely
member of household, taking over of great obligations. After surviving the
hard times,
creation of own respectable home.

* Transit Saturn squaring radical Sun posited in the 10th house.
- Unemployment, family worries and illness.

* Transit Saturn conjuncting (in the same constellation) the radical
position of Jupiter.
- Serious conflicts at the work-front.

In general, there are always echoes of the past events or situations, when
Saturn moves out of a Sign. Reviewing past mistakes allows us to handle
the future more effectively. Taken in the negative sense, Saturn transits
may seem to bring setbacks, disappointments, trials etc. But, taken in the
positive sense, Saturn's transit induces slow re-assessment of the self
and objectives. New responsibilities are also thrust upon people, which
will bring both happiness and very hard labour.

Saturn and 'the Now'

The sense of containment that Saturn affords is not a restriction at all,
but it merely teaches an individual how to mould himself in the ways,
which have the most meaning, Saturn is the teacher, who possesses the
greatest secrets of the universe, if one has the willingness to learn.
What one does each day is more important that what one dreams about doing
in the future. The pure essence of Saturn speaks of the reality and 'the
Now' (today).

The delays associated with Saturn slow down an individual, so that instead
of racing through time meaninglessly, he can learn how to fill every
moment with the form and substance that will create greater meaning in
life. The slow plodding nature of Saturn's purpose is always surefooted
and steady. This planet's energies help to effectively un-earth a person
to his current reality.

Saturn can be one's benefactor, or one's burden of woe, depending
completely upon the ways in which a person builds his structure. While the
realization of goals may be well in the future, it is what one does
towards reaching them in "The Now" creates reality. For many, Saturn is
the taskmaster. But, he who lives in "The Now" is always the master of the
task! During Sade-sati and Ashtama Sani also, there are instances of
favourable results. For example, Mrs. Sonia Gandhi brought her party to
power in 2004 general elections in India, while passing through Sade-sati.
Agonizings do not go in vain; after much hiccups, you will be determined
to march forward with a more purposeful tread, on a surer footing.

