วันจันทร์ที่ 10 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

If You Need A Reading: Tarot Cards Or the Kuan Yin Oracle…Either Way You Will Be Happy!

Tarot Cards Or the Kuan Yin Oracle…Either Way You Will Be Happy!

You are looking for answers during these uncertain times, and I want to
help you. My name is Father Time and for many years I have been studying
books of knowledge and wisdom. I have always had a fondness for oracles
and other methods of divination. Tarot Cards are wonderful and they can
tell us so much. They have been around for so long, and no one knows for
certain where they originated!

The Goddess of Compassion; Kuan Yin is a Bodhisattva, which is said to be
a later incarnation of the Buddha. She is a being of "enlightenment"
pledged to universal liberation and happiness! Since 1100 years before the
Common Era, and until this day, the chien tung or the 100 sticks of fate,
have been able to give us advice from the Goddess of Compassion herself!

If you enjoy psychic readings, tarot cards, and so forth, you will want to
have a Kuan Yin reading to specifically answer your current, nagging
questions, which are on your mind. Wherever there are Chinese speaking or
Japanese speaking people, in homes, workplaces, temples, restaurants,
Taoist, Buddhist, Shinto shrines, and Holy Mountains; Kuan Yin's image and
oracle are there!

For more information and to order a reading, you can visit my wonderful
Online SuperStore, where I also sell some awesome merchandise. Sorry, but
the merchandise items are only shipped throughout the USA, but anyone
around the world can get a reading via e-mail:

I am looking forward to helping you find out what advice Kuan Yin has for

Stop by and visit very soon! Until then…Many Blessings!

